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St. Augustine's Fountain in Cassago
St. Augustine's Fountain
To the right or the parish church or St. Brigit and James, the Greater, and quite near the 1986 monument to Sts. Augustine and Monica is a small body of water into which a small stream flows. As long has can be remembered in this little town, the water has been called "La Fontana di Sant'Agostino."
It is also situated quite near the area where it is believed the villa or Verecundus was located. It is certain that some source or water was located near his home which, in the fall of 386 and early winter of 387, became the site or a few months' retreat for Augustine, his relatives and friends.
Baths were also located near the villa because Augustine mentions them as the location of his engaging in a dialogue on the topic of the meaning of happiness with this small community. It is understandable, therefore, why this oral tradition has continued to the present day.