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Pavia: st. Augustine and disciples
"Walk the way ofthe heart."
St. Augustine Sermon 4, 9
Sisters and brothers, as we set out, may we remind ourselves of the reasons for our resolve to go on this pilgrimage. The places we intend to visit are monuments to the person of St,. Augustine of Hippo and to the countless Augustinians nuns and friars who were inspired by bis love of God and neighbor. The early Jerusalem community's example of sharing all things in common and of striving to be of one mind and heart, intent upon God, inspired and motivated Augustine to write his Rule of life which in turn is intended to inspire those who follow it to walk the way of Augustine.
May he be our companion on this journey. Let us bring the gift of our friendship to those whom we will meet along the way in Italy. May we see in them our sisters and brothers as they share their hospitality with us.
And so, let us pray:
Gracious and loving God, You are never far away from those who seek You. You are the God of Abraham and Sara for You led them on a journey to a new lire. You are the God of Moses and Miriam for you guided them to lead Your chosen people to the promised land. You are the God of Jesus Who proclaimed that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. You are the God of Augustine and Monica for You gently guided them to seek You above all.
You have given each one of us hearts that want to be happy and You bave placed within us the desire to search for You as we live our daily lives. Quiet the fears and distractions of our hearts each day so that we may listen to the movement of Your Spirit and may listen to Your guidance.
Remain with us, good God, during this Augustinian pilgrimage: shelter us with Your protection by day, give us the light of Your grace by night, and as our companion on this journey, bring us to our destinations in safety.
With Augustine we pray: "Lord, lei me know myself and lei me know You." Amen.