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Journées Augustiniennes de Carthage 2022

Augustinian Days in Carthage 2022

11-12-13 Novembre




Augustin d’Hippone, Pont entre les Cultures, Carrefour des Mondes

Augustine of Hippo: A Bridge between Cultures Regards

croisés en zone francophone et au-delà

Shared perspectives in the Francophone region and beyond



Call for papers

This multidisciplinary colloquium proposes to study the figure of Augustine of Hippo as a "passeur". Situated at the crossroads of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, of the Greek and Latin worlds, moving from one shore of the Mediterranean to the other, he was initially attracted more by the East of Manes than by the Christian West. After his conversion, he distanced himself from classical culture and teaching that appears nonetheless in every one of his works. This ambiguity runs through all his writings and makes him a figure of critical transmission and teaching. He then endeavored to integrate Greco-Latin culture into a new synthesis that nourished theological, philosophical and literary thought in the medieval period, before reaching its apotheosis in the modern period. Beyond his of role of Doctor of the Catholic Church, he has continued to influence powerful and diverse personalities to this day, such as Hannah Arendt, who devoted her first essay to him, and Jacques Derrida, who like him was torn between Europe and Africa, and who composed his Circumfessions directly inspired by the Confessions of the Bishop of Hippo. Today, more than ever, Augustine remains contemporary and modern, on many accounts. Long torn between many countries and traditions, he manages to draw out of these different cultural identities a stunning synthesis, which can help us think about the contradictions and challenges of today.


Journees Augustiniennes de Carthage 2022 continues the spirit of the colloquium held some twenty years ago, published in Saint Augustin, Le Passeur Des Deux Rives (Editions d'Orbestier, 2010).


Topics relevant to the conference may include:


● Augustinian philosophy as a bridge between Africa and Europe, the West and the East

● The temptation of dualism : Augustine between Plato and Mani

● Transmission: Augustinian pedagogy within Augustine’s works and its influence on contemporary theories of education.

● The reception of Augustinian thought and its influence on the 16th century Reformation, his importance in Port-Royal, a major place for the diffusion of Augustinian ideas throughout France and Europe, his influence on Malebranche and subsequently on 18th century thought.

● The ramifications of his works in more contemporary philosophy, with Arendt or Derrida for instance.




Proposals for papers of about 1,000 words should be sent before 31 March 2022 to, together with a short CV. Languages: French, Italian, Arabic, English. Other languages will also be considered.




A selection of papers will be published in Courrier Blaise Pascal (HRIM-CNRS).



Scientific Committee

Pr. Mounira Chapoutot-Ramadi, Université de Tunis

Pr. Catherine Conybeare, Bryn Mawr College

Pr. Liliane Ennabli, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique

Pr. Allan Fitzgerald, OSA, Villanova University

Pr. Tony Gheeraet, Université de Rouen Normandie

Pr. Joseph Kelley, Merrimack College

Dr. Mustapha Lakhif, Université Laval

Pr. Laurence Plazenet, Université de Clermont-Auvergne



Steering committee

S. E. Dr Salah Hannachi – President of ATLAS, Tunisia

Pr. Amira Kaddour, Université de Carthage, Tunisia

Pr Joseph Kelley – Merrimack College University, USA

Pr Tony Gheeraert – Université de Rouen, France; Président de la conférence

M. Victoire Malenfer, Université de Rouen, France



Participating Institutions

ATLAS (Association Tunisienne pour le Leadership, l'Auto-développement et la Solidarité)

Université de Rouen Normandie

Merrimack College

City of Carthage



Meriem Abid,